National Policy on Reconciliation and Coexistence of Sri Lanka, 2017
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- Writer운영자
- Date17-06-20 10:05
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Main text
Sri Lanka has endured a three-decade conflict including a protracted armed conflict which has caused suffering and damage to all communities and peoples in the country. The armed struggle concluded in 2009, leaving behind a breakdown in relations and trust, intolerance and prejudice between and within communities in the country.
In 2015, the Government of Sri Lanka renewed its commitment to reconciliation and thereafter embarked on several initiatives for national reconciliation. However, there remains a national need for an expressly stated and comprehensive National Policy on Reconciliation which this policy aims to fulfill.
Concerned by the suffering, damage and detriment caused to the lives, dignity and security of all citizens of Sri Lanka due to the prolonged period of social and political tension, including the protracted armed conflict that spanned three decades;
Acknowledging that since the conflict ended there remains a breakdown of trust, intolerance and prejudice between and within communities;
Mindful of the fact that at the heart of the problem is the lack of an acceptable arrangement of shared political authority satisfactory to all communities in the country and that this has manifested itself in discontent and violence at different periods in the history of the country;
Knowing that a lack of equal access to opportunity ranging from, but not limited to, education, livelihoods, employment and justice remains a major cause of discontent in the country;
Aspiring to re-establish the good relationship between the State and the citizenry through a range of measures including but not limited to, through strengthening civil
administration and, return of property and lands to rightful owners; promoting media freedom, generating livelihood opportunities; and protecting the rights and interest of missing and disappeared persons and their relatives;
Ensuring a conscious effort to fortify the national coexistence by strengthening the Sri Lankan identity; recognizing the diversity and cultural pluralism through policy, law, education and practice towards respecting the rights of persons to language and cultural heritage; the notion of nationhood to foster a stronger sense of togetherness of all Sri Lankans through dialogue, arbitration and activities prevent reoccurrences of marginalization and conflicts;
Conscious of the national consensus on language policy and law derive from the fact that language law has obtained constitutional status and national trilingual policy has obtained the approval of the cabinet of ministers;
Resolving to implement the languages policy and law, extensively throughout the country in the state & private sectors and among the citizenry;
Recognizing language policy implementation as the prelude to national coexistence and reconciliation;
Determined to respect, protect and fulfil the human rights of all citizens equally, including civil and political rights on the one hand and economic, social and cultural rights on the other, while continuing to combat impunity and uphold the rule of law;
Affirming that a process of healing has to take place in a holistic manner both individually for victims of conflict and violence, and collectively at the level of communities and societies that have suffered;
Considering the importance of developing a national narrative of the past that resonates with all communities in Sri Lanka;
Committed to creating an inclusive society, a sense of belonging, and an environment conducive to the full realization of the potential of every Sri Lankan citizen;
Calling for a whole-of-government effort and a multi-stakeholder process that combines a two-pronged approach, namely preventive through ensuring non-recurrence of past events, and through futuristic initiatives for reconciliation.
This National Policy on Reconciliation and Coexistence is founded on the imperatives of Democracy, Good Governance, Human Rights including right to language and cultural heritage, Rule of Law, National Unity and Coexistence of communities recognizing Diversities.
1. To function as a state policy on reconciliation and coexistence. 2. To provide direction to national reconciliation and coexistence by addressing past violence and conflict, and through envisioning of a shared future that fosters national unity and peaceful coexistence among all peoples and communities in the country. 3. To provide a guiding framework to all stakeholders working on reconciliation and coexistence in order to achieve coherence in peace and national unity initiatives.
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