

[KOR] Embassy News

주한 스리랑카 대사관, 민관협력을 위한 모임 주최

페이지 정보

  • 작성자운영자
  • 작성일17-08-29 17:00
  • 조회6,899






Sri Lanka Embassy organizes private–public partnerships networking session

The Commercial Section of the Sri Lanka Embassy in Seoul organised a private-public cooperation session at the Embassy on Friday 8 August 2017.  Ambassador Manisha Gunasekera welcomed the attendees and visiting Professor Ranil De Silva, Director, Interdisciplinary Center for Innovation in Biotechnology and Neuroscience of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura of Sri Lanka made a presentation on Private-Public Partnerships and International Collaboration in the Field of Innovative Research on Natural Products. Professor Ranil De Silva also invited the participants to attend TradMed 2017, an International Conference on Traditional Medicine, Educational Exhibition & Trade Fair to be held in Colombo from 23 to 25 November 2017.  Korean companies engaged in Ceylon tea, spa products, members of the Tea Sommelier Institute and the Tea Research Institute in Korea as well as researchers of traditional medicine in Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, Daejeon participated in the event.



Embassy of Sri Lanka

Seoul, Republic of Korea

29. 08. 2017